Tuesday, November 27, 2018



November 27, 2018

Hey Mom and Dad! I just thought I'd send out a good note to you just in case I wasn't able to get a full weekly email out today. Plus, I totally got called out for not specifically sending  a note to my parents each week, so I needed to make sure I sent one this week.

Thanksgiving we had a blast! We went to the Pinkney family home for dinner, and then we stayed for games and other general fun. I'll send you some pictures. We also got a bunch of video clips, and we compiled them into a video that we went and showed them as a thank you! It was really fun!  I'll send  you a link or attachment so you can see it. Also, some pictures. 

Speaking of the Pinkney family, they are so fun! They are probably my favorite family here. Sister Pinkney has given us a ton of food, and has really taken one of our recent converts under her wing. She use to really love the Sister missionaries in the Spanish Branch (which is why they were also at Thanksgiving), but now she loves us more. Maybe. But it's not a competition. 

But if it were, we'd be winning XD.

So, Christmas is coming up, and I was trying to think about this video call thing. Are you going to be video calling Alex? If so, calling both Alex and I in the same call will probably be chaotic, so I would recommend not doing that. Instead, I think that you should call him first while you've got everyone together, and then I can go after. He would like to have everyone's full attention, I'd bet. Just my few thoughts. 

I still need to get those measurements, and I should be getting my glasses tomorrow. Also, I'm Staying in Palm Springs and getting a new Companion in Elder Brown, who I knew when I was in Yucaipa! He's awesome, and I can't wait to serve with him!

Also, I love you both! Seriously! I'm so grateful for brave parents who stand up for truth as they know it, parents who teach lessons that I may never forget, and parents who love me so much that I can feel it in everything that they do!

I wish there was more that I could do for everyone from over here! Let me know if there's anything I can include in my weekly email or if there's someone I can write (I need to write Alex again this next week, for sure), keep letting me know!

I love you!
Elder Richardson

P.S. I think Sister Pinkney texted you some pictures or something, Mom? Could you let me know if you got those? She was worried that you didn't get them. 

1 and 2) Thanksgiving!
3) We went to go see Michelle at her spa, and Elder Mills got a mani-pedi, and Sister Pinkney came with us.
Movie) The video I was talking about! I loved making it!

Benjamin Richardson

California Redlands Mission

Feb 28, 2018 - March 3, 2020

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

NOVEMBER 20, 2018 - WEEK #38

Nov 20, 2018

I'm pretty sure I butchered the language, but the scribbles in the Subject line should mean Michelle's Baptism! Kind of... It's... Nevermind...

But Michelle got Baptized on Sunday! Hooray! I'm so glad everything went well with that! We hadn't know Michelle very long, so we had a lot to do without much time to do it all! She had a lot of people there to be with her, and it was a very powerful meeting. The Spirit was so strong as the Chinese Missionaries who taught her spoke in Mandarin, and then translated the talks. And then there were tears in eyes as Michelle got up and bore her testimony of what she had learned and of the feelings that she felt. Her husband, Micheal, was also able to attend, and we're pretty sure that the Chinese Missionaries will start teaching him as well, and we'll keep seeing him! 

So many members of our Ward have really come to love Michelle in such a short time (which is a HUGE blessing)! One of our Returning Members, who came to Michelle's service for us, was really touched. We saw her that night, and she was declaring to us that she was going to go on the temple trip for Michelle in December, and that she was going to give up right then the things that were holding her back! The Spirit is so amazing! Because of what she felt, she decided all on her own that she was going to change!

Last week, I mentioned a little bit about faith, and how we should start now to decide where we want our faith to be. This week, I learned another lesson about faith. We can feel the Holy Spirit confirm to us when what we are doing is right. You know the fuzzies you feel when you act kindly to someone in need, or when you read your scriptures? That's God, through His Spirit, telling you "Yes! That's good! You're doing what's right!"

Well, I had an experiece like that. I won't go into much detail, because I'm running out of time today (I'm sorry!), but I did get that warm fuzzy feeling telling me that what I did was right, and it was what my Heavenly Father wanted me to do. But then later, I worried about it. Did I step out of line? Was that just my thoughts, or was it really the Spirit directing me? I told Elder Mills, my companion, about some of my concerns, and he instantly told me not to doubt the Spirit. 

I realized that God doesn't just want us to trust Him in those high Spiritual points, but also afterwards. He wants us to not only do His will, but also to remember those experiences. Because as we remember them, we will remember that He is there, and we can have an even greater trust in Him.

I know that these things are true! Remember the times that you felt something! If it was good, it was from God! Hold fast to those experiences, and your faith will be sustained! 

Elder Richardson

P.S. Yep. Short. Sorry. We got a little held up today, but it's all good! :D

1) From a while back, but Lourna's Baptism was about a month ago, and she's doing great! I just never sent anything.
2) Michelle's Baptism! There are a lot of Chinese Missionaries... 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

NOV 6 & 13, 2018 - WEEKS 36 & 37

Nov 6 & 13, 2018
 Things have been nuts, alright? So sorry that I wasn't able to get an email out last week, but I'll do my best to get you all up to speed, Ok? Ready, Set-ty...


Michelle is getting baptized this Sunday! Who's Michelle? Great Question, and here's the answer! Two weeks ago, we got a call from the Chinese-speaking Missionaries in the Riverside Mission, saying that they recently started teaching someone in Palm Springs who didn't have transportation to make it out to their ward, and so she would need to attend our Ward. We scrambled, but were able to find her a ride to church, and we got to take her to church! She's come to church these last two weeks, and she had her baptismal interview yesterday, so we are now putting on a baptism out of the blue this next week! 

But it's pretty cool that this is number two time that I've been able to use my very limited Chinese on the mission! Actually, it's more like my skills at talking with people with limited English, but it's basically the same thing. Anyways, Michelle is super cool! She walks up to basically anyone and everyone and says "Hi, I'm Michelle!" She's the best!

We had an awesome lesson with one of our member families, and then right after, they helped up prepare a meal in our crockpot! It was super good! 

These next couple weeks are going to be crazy, because we are planning and preparing for a #LightTheWorld Activity for 2 wards and a branch! It's going to be so good! The purpose is to help everyone to brighten up their community, families, and faith this Christmas season! So we are having this big kickoff event to get everyone set for it!

We had interviews with President Dixon, and he told me that we would probably be biking in Palm Springs next transfer, so I'm excited for more exercise, and to see my bike again! (I've missed my old friend...)

Speaking of my Mission President, President Dixon is literally one of my favorite people! Every time I see him, I always feel the Spirit with him. I'm glad to know that this mission is being directed by someone who has the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. 

Because someone may be curious, Halloween was cool! We didn't do much of anything, besides go and eat with a member of the Spanish Branch, and then work on reading in the Book of Mormon, because we all needed to catch up on that. We had been challenged by our Mission President to take up President Nelson's challenge and read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year, highlighting references to Jesus Christ that we found throughout. My testimony of The Book of Mormon being Another Testament of Jesus Christ has grown so much as I've taken up this challenge!

Of course, I'm a bit behind right now, but I'm catching up! I'm in the book of Mosiah, and I'm learning so much from the examples throughout this book. Like Abinadi, who stood and testified in chains before a wicked king of Jesus Christ. Or Alma, who repented quickly and did everything he could to point others to the Savior! And there are many others, and they all were able to do those things because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Without that faith, they wouldn't have had the confidence or the strength to carry them through overcoming these trials. The Question then is, do we, similarly, possess faith capable of creating miracles? If not, what are we going to do today to get there? Or this week? Something to think about.

That's the last two weeks in a giant nutshell! Things are getting crazy here in the desert, but that's what makes it so fun! And when the work we are doing is the work of God, it's going to be a joyful experience, no matter what!

Love you all!

Elder Richardson

1) These pictures are in a weird order, but this first one is of Elder Mills and I at a super good pizza restaurant.
2) I GOT A PICTURE IN A SEMI BUT IT'S DARK so you can't really tell...
3) There are stars on a street in downtown Palm Springs. Here's Frank Sinatra's. I think he actually lived here... I'm not sure.
4) This is Elvis. Yep.
5) We got fed Lumpias (Spelling is likely butchered...)! They are like Filipino spring rolls. Lourna Made them for us!

Benjamin Richardson

California Redlands Mission

Feb 28, 2018 - March 3, 2020

Hey Mom! I just wanted you to know that we are also having a beautiful fall day here in Palm Springs! It's bright and sunny, still above 90°F most days, and the Palm Trees are still very green! 

It's beautiful weather, but it's different. 

Also, Josie sent me a note after your lunch! She said that she loved talking with you, and she looks a lot happier! She sent me a picture of the flowers, too! Thank you so much for helping her! But how did it go on your end? How do you think she's doing? Any thoughts on how I can help her?

I love you, Mom! It's so fun to hear how the boys are doing! Let me know what I can do to help you keep updated better! I know I need to send more pictures of me, but anything else?