Tuesday, November 26, 2013


OCTOBER 15, 2013

Today we have temple day! That's why this letter is coming on Wednesday and will be a little bit shorter. I'll be sending a lot of pictures though.

We went to the zoo last week after emails. I'm going to send some of the pictures.

Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes! It's great to feel all of your love from so far away! I had a great birthday! It's definitely weird to hit the big 2-0. I still feel like I'm 19.

Elder Andersen and I went to McDonalds for my birthday lunch because I was in Jilong. That is actually a treat, believe it or not, because it's more expensive then other food here. Then I went and bought myself a new bag for a birthday present because my old one was already falling apart.

 At the end of every transfer, we have an  English party, and because it fell on my birthday, the them was my birthday party! Elder Pratt made a pinata, and we had cake and salsa.

We had transfers on Friday, and I'm still here in Neihu! I'm glad I didn't have to pack up all my stuff and move! Elder Pratt is gone though, which is sad. But now I am companions with Elder Lin! He is a native of Taizhong, and has been on his mission for about a year. We are getting along really great so far, and I already feel like my Chinese has come a long way because I have to speak it all the time! I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve with Elder Lin. We're going to have a fun transfer and get a lot of work done! I've attached a picture of him.

Elder Lin (pronounced like "lean") and I have been focusing on finding the past few days, because our teaching pool had gotten kind of small. We've found some great people the past couple of days. We contacted somebody yesterday who was an aborigine. I know he felt the Spirit when we were praying with him! I hope he will set up again!

Conference was amazing! We watched it this weekend, so a week later than everybody else. I took tons of notes and can't wait for the conference Liahona to get here! I especially liked Pres. Utchdorf's talk and Elder McConkie's talk. I'm excited to read them all again! Before now, I remember thinking that conference was super long and it took forever to pass. This time was different! It all went by way too fast and I feel like I missed everything that was said! I'll definitely be grateful to have them printed!

I don't have much time this week, but I'll try to finish up next week!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!
Elder Richardson



BiHu:  means Emerald Lake

New Companion: Elder Lin and his inflatable moose

Chinese like cute things so I bought some adorable cards to write notes on

Pictures Elder Deal drew for us.  The characters say "Elder Richardson in Pre-Mortal Life"

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