June 5, 2018
We had made a couple stops that night, and we sat on a street corner, trying to decide who to visit next. This girl walks by, earbuds in ears, wearing a bright orange Reese's Hoodie. We smile and say hello, and she asks if we're out "witnessing." We say yes, and tell her about what it is we do as missionaries. She stops walking and listens to us. We ask her about what she believes, and she talked about her church, and how she hasn't liked the way that it's been going. In that moment, I felt the distinct impression to invite her to attend our church. I acknowledged that impression, and decided that I'd ask her, eventually.
Big mistake.
Seconds later, a man pulled up in a car, and told her to go home. She said it was her dad, and she left. I have no idea what could've happened had I asked. She seemed genuinely interested in what we were talking about, but because I never asked, I'll never know.
God speaks to us in many ways, but he primarily speaks through the Spirit. And so, when we listen to the Spirit, and act on the promptings that we're given, we show God that we are wanting to hear more from Him! But when we ignore the things that He tells us, we show the opposite.
The lesson that we learned that day was that we need to act immediately on those promptings! After all, it's God speaking to us! I need to work harder at that! Because the best way to do Missionary work is side-by-side with the Spirit, and to show God that we will act when He speaks!
Another story about that same thing starts with us telling a Member that we would help him move a couch through his house (Missionaries love doing service, BTW! If you need help with a bit of yardwork or moving something a bit heavier, contact your local Missionaries. Also, we love talking to people and Cookies. Generally Speaking, that is. Just Sayin'). However, we got busy with something else and totally spaced. That night, he called, a little bit miffed, asking where we had been. We felt awful, and rescheduled for the next day.
About an hour before, I kept watching the clock, because I didn't want to be late. But then Elder Bearman felt like we needed to visit someone on the other side of our area. If we went, though, we would be at least 10 minutes late. But, we went. And we had a really good visit with that person! And then we Biked like CRAZY all the way back! As soon as we arrived, our Member pulled up, 10 minutes late as well. We made it just in time.
As we listen to the Spirit, and act immediately on those Promptings, God will provide a way for us to do those things that He has told us to do.
See you!
Elder Richardson
P.S. Shorter letter, wanted to get it done! Love you all! Pray for something you're thankful for! :D
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