Wednesday, August 4, 2021

OCTOBER 18, 2019


Hello Richardson family

Attached is an email that I am sure you will enjoy seeing!  Since some of the companionships are changing areas, be sure to ask Sister Richardson what her address is when you speak with her on P-day!

Sister Linda Nelson
Ohio Columbus Mission Office

Sister Rachel Richardson


She made it! 

The missionaries arrived last evening after a full day of travel.  We had a nice dinner and a quick visit before they headed off to bed.  They are all excited to be here and I thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of your daughter with Sister Stratford and me, as well as her new companion, Sister Jung.

Companions for new missionaries are selected after much prayer and careful consideration.  Be assured that your daughter will be in good hands!  We have included her new address so that you will be able to send mail and an occasional package (don’t overdo it—let her learn the valuable lessons associated with independence.  Likewise, learning to survive on a budget will give your missionary the opportunity to gain self-control over her finances).

I have attached a sheet which will give you some guidelines related to the important role you will play during your daughter’s mission.  Above all, trust in the Lord to watch over and bless your missionary.  Remember that she is in the Lord’s hands, doing His work.  May His choice blessings be with your family as we strive to build the kingdom together here in Ohio!

Faithfully yours, President and Sister Stratford

Ohio Columbus Mission


To the Parent(s) or Designated Others of our Ohio Columbus Missionaries

Thank you for the love and support you give your missionary son or daughter serving in the Ohio Columbus Mission.   Preparing for and serving a mission in today’s world requires tremendous faith and commitment!  When missionaries know that their families are supportive and they do not have to concern themselves with the day-to-day details of life back home, they are enabled to be much more centered on their work and focused on their responsibilities here.  The time they spend on their mission doing the Lord’s work provides many opportunities for spiritual growth and self-reliance and will bless their lives—as well as the people they teach—forever!

Missionaries have been given firm guidelines regarding communication with family (weekly) and limited communication with others.  As parents, you play an important role in assisting your missionary by strengthening their commitment to honor mission rules.  This, in turn, leads to greater spirituality and increased competency.  I would appreciate your review and observance of the following:


·        Your missionary is allowed to initiate a phone call each week on Monday—their Preparation Day.  This call should never be initiated by parents

·        If you wish to communicate by email, send messages ONLY on Preparation Day (Monday).  Missionaries have limited time to respond to emails, in addition to all the other personal and housekeeping details they need to attend to that day.

·        Exercise good judgment in your communication.  Share uplifting, spiritual thoughts and stories.  Missionary work can be very challenging and requires determined effort to stay focused.

·        Please do not contact local leaders/members for information about your son or daughter.  Trust that they are doing their best and do your best to encourage them in your weekly email. 

·        Limit the number of packages you send.  This is an important, independent time in their lives. 

During the course of their time here, there may be major life events (such as the death of a parent or family member, divorce, serious accident or illness) that you will want to relay to your missionary.  I would ask that you call me when these situations occur.  My direct number is (614) 354-8839.  If I can’t immediately answer, leave me a message so that I can return your call as soon as possible.  I want you to know that I am always available to you when major life events may affect your missionary’s life.    Trust that I will choose the most appropriate and least disruptive time to share complex or sensitive information with your missionary.

In your missionary’s call to service, they were counseled to “devote all your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs.”  Parents can make a huge difference in their missionary being able to accomplish this and thereby fully consecrate themselves to the work.  I hope you will join me in making this experience “the best two years (or 18 months, for sisters) of their lives!”  

Again, thank you for your willingness to commit your son or daughter to the Lord’s work during this important time.  May the Lord bless you and your family as we strive to build the kingdom together here in Ohio.


Val T. Stratford, President

Ohio Columbus Mission


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